This method allows to update an existing sales order.
SalesOrderResponse UpdateSalesOrder(SecurityToken securityToken , SalesOrder salesOrder , string customerId, string subCustomerId, string salesOrderNumber, string salesOrderInternalId).
Type | Name | Description |
SecurityToken | securityToken | Merchant security token: used to identify merchant and validate transaction. (required) |
String | MerchantId | Merchant ID. (required) |
String | customerId | Customer ID. (required) |
String | subCustomerID | Sub-customer ID. (optional) |
String | salesOrderNumber | Sales order number ID. (required) |
String | salesOrderInternalId | Unique internal sales order ID assigned by EBizCharge. (required) |
DateTime | Date | Date. (optional) |
String | Currency | Currency. (optional) |
String | Amount | Amount. (required) |
String | DueDate | Due Date. (optional) |
String | AmountDue | Amount Due. (required) |
String | PoNum | Purchase Order Number. (optional) |
String | DivisionId | Division ID. (optional) |
String | TypeId | Type ID. (optional) |
String | UploadedBy | Uploaded By. (optional) |
String | UpdatedBy | Updated By. (optional) |
DateTime | DateUploaded | Date Uploaded. (optional) |
DateTime | DateUpdated | Date Updated. (optional) |
Bool | isDeleted | Is Deleted. (optional) |
String | DeletedBy | Deleted By.(optional) |
String | DateDeleted | Date Deleted. (optional) |
Item | Item | Items. (optional) |
String | Software | Software. (optional) |
Bool | NotifyCustomer | Notify Customer. (optional) |
String | EmailTemplateID | Email Template ID. (optional) |
String | URL | URL. (optional) |
String | TotalTaxAmount | Total Tax Amount. (optional) |
String | Description | Description. (optional) |
Address | Billingddress | Billing Address. (optional) |
Address | ShippingAddress | Shipping Address. (optional) |
String | CustomerMessage | Customer Message.(optional) |
String | Memo | Memo. (optional) |
DateTime | ShipDate | Ship Date. (optional) |
String | ShipVia | Ship Via. (optional) |
String | SalesRepId | Sales Rep ID. (optional) |
String | TermsId | Terms ID. (optional) |
String | IsToBeEmailed | Is to be emailed. (optional) |
String | IsToBePrinted | Is to be printed. (optional) |
String | SalesOrderLastSyncDateTime | Sales Order Last Sync Date Time. (optional) |
SalesOrderCustomFields | SalesOrderCustomFields | Sales Order Custom Fields. (optional) |
String | LocationId | Location ID. (optional) |
Return Value
Type | Description |
SalesOrderResponse | Returns result of UpdateSalesOrder request. |
function updateSalesOrder()
$client = new SoapClient('End point URL');
$securityToken = array(
'SecurityId' => '******-454757-4567457-********',
'UserId' => 'merchant1',
'Password' => 'merchant1'
$shippingAddress = array(
'FirstName' => 'Rachel',
'LastName' => 'Bayswater',
'Company' => 'Atleka',
'Address1' => 'ST # 8 HS 9 London',
'Address2' => 'ST # 1 HS 11 London',
'City' => 'London',
'State' => 'London',
'ZipCode' => 'E1 6AN',
'Country' => 'UK',
'Phone' => '233-23445',
'Fax' => '233-234432',
'Email' => '[email protected]'
$billingAddress = array(
'FirstName' => 'Rachel',
'LastName' => 'Bayswater',
'Company' => 'HereNow',
'Address1' => 'ST # 266 HS 102 London',
'Address2' => 'ST # 566 HS 21 London',
'City' => 'London',
'State' => 'London',
'ZipCode' => 'E1 6AN',
'Country' => 'UK',
'Phone' => '456-23445',
'Fax' => '456-234432',
'Email' => '[email protected]'
$orderDetails = array(
'CustomerId' => 1,
'SalesOrderNumber' => 'So107',
'Date' => '2020-05-01',
'Currency' => 'USD',
'Amount' => '200',
'DueDate' => '2020-05-01',
'AmountDue' =>'200',
'PoNum' => 'po001',
'DateUploaded' => '2020-05-01',
'DateUpdated' => '2020-05-01',
'Software' => 'Woocommerce',
'NotifyCustomer' => true,
'TotalTaxAmount' => 0,
'UniqueId' => '123',
'Description' => 'Sales Order',
'CustomerMessage' => 'Hello',
'Memo' => '',
'ShipDate' => '2020-05-05',
'ShipVia' => '',
'IsToBeEmailed' => false,
'BillingAddress' => $billingAddress,
'ShippingAddress' => $shippingAddress );
$updateSalesOrder = array(
'SecurityToken' => $securityToken,
'SalesOrder' => $orderDetails,
'customerId' => 1,
'SalesOrderNumber' => 1
$updateSalesOrderResponse = $client->UpdateSalesOrder($updateSalesOrder);
$updateSalesOrderResult = $updateSalesOrderResponse->UpdateSalesOrderResult;
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ebiz="http://eBizCharge.ServiceModel.SOAP">
<ebiz:Description>Wall Mounted Vent-free Gas Fireplace</ebiz:Description>
<ebiz:Description>Sales Order</ebiz:Description>
<ebiz:Address1>55 Golden </ebiz:Address1>
<ebiz:Address1>55 Golden</ebiz:Address1>
<ebiz:CustomerMessage>Customer Message</ebiz:CustomerMessage>
<ebiz:Memo>Hello memo123</ebiz:Memo>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<UpdateSalesOrderResponse xmlns="http://eBizCharge.ServiceModel.SOAP">
public void UpdateSalesOrder()
eBizService apiClient = new eBizService();
SecurityToken securityToken = new SecurityToken
SecurityId = "*******-c870-41b8-aa5c-********",
UserId = "",
Password = ""
//Getting Salesorder before updating
SalesOrder salesOrder = apiClient.GetSalesOrder(securityToken, "APIINVCust", "", "", "********-7dfd-4aad-ae21-********");
salesOrder.Date = "04/10/2022";
salesOrder.DueDate = "04/30/2021";
salesOrder.AmountDue = (decimal)216.27;
salesOrder.TotalTaxAmount = (decimal)16.02;
salesOrder.AmountDue = (decimal)216.27;
salesOrder.PoNum = "PO124";
salesOrder.NotifyCustomer = true;
salesOrder.ShipVia = "DHL";
salesOrder.DateUpdated = "04/22/2022";
salesOrder.DateUploaded = "04/22/2022";
//Updating salesorder
var response = apiClient.UpdateSalesOrder(securityToken, salesOrder, salesOrder.CustomerId, "", "", "********-7dfd-4aad-ae21-********");
Updated about 2 years ago