Retrieve a list of custom receipt templates.
This method is used to pull a list of the receipt templates based on the target receipt type. This type can be Email, Print, or Both.
An array of Receipt objects is returned. For efficiency reasons, the actual templates (Receipt.TemplateHTML and Receipt.TemplateText) are not returned by this method. Use getReceipt to pull the full Receipt object, including the templates.
If an error occurs, an exception will appear.
Receipt [] GetReceiptsList( SecurityToken securityToken, string receiptType);
Type | Name | Description |
SecurityToken | securityToken | Merchant security token: used to identify merchant. (required) |
string | receiptType | Type of receipts to retrieve (Print, Email, or Both). (required) |
Return Value
Receipt [] | Returns an array of Receipt objects. |
Code | Message |
SystemError | Error pulling receipt templates. |
try {
$templates = $client->GetReceiptsList(securityToken, "Email");
catch(SoapFault $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ebiz="http://eBizCharge.ServiceModel.SOAP">
<soapenv:Header />
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<GetReceiptsListResponse xmlns="http://eBizCharge.ServiceModel.SOAP">
<Name>New Order (Customer Email)</Name>
<Subject>Customer Receipt - Transaction [transaction.response] - Authcode #[transaction.authcode]</Subject>
<FromEmail>[email protected]</FromEmail>
<Name>Transaction API and Payment Form (Customer)</Name>
<Subject>Customer Receipt - Transaction [transaction.response] - Authcode #[transaction.authcode]</Subject>
<FromEmail>[email protected]</FromEmail>
<Name>Transaction API and Payment Form (Merchant)</Name>
<Subject>Merchant Receipt - Transaction [transaction.response] - Authcode #[transaction.authcode]</Subject>
<FromEmail>[email protected]</FromEmail>
Updated over 2 years ago