This object is used with several transaction methods and contains important transaction-specific data, such as invoice number, invoice date, and items.
Type | Name | Description |
String | MerchantId | Merchant ID (assigned by system). (required) |
String | CustomerId | Customer ID. (required) |
String | SubCustomerId | Sub-customer ID. (optional) |
String | InvoiceNumber | Invoice number. (required) |
String | InvoiceInternalId | Invoice internal ID (assigned by internal system). (required) |
String | InvoiceDate | Invoice date. (required) |
String | Currency | Currency. (required) |
String | InvoiceAmount | Total amount. (required) |
String | InvoiceDueDate | Due date. (required) |
Decimal | AmountDue | Total amount due. (required) |
String | PoNum | Purchase order number. (required) |
String | SoNum | Sales order number. (required) |
String | DivisionId | Division ID. (optional) |
String | TypeId | Invoice type ID (assigned by external software). (required) |
String | UploadedBy | Uploaded by. (optional) |
String | UpdatedBy | Updated by. (optional) |
String | DateUploaded | Date uploaded. (optional) |
String | DateUpdated | Date updated. (optional) |
Bool | IsDeleted | Deleted. (required) |
String | DeletedBy | Deleted by. (optional) |
String | DateDeleted | Date deleted. (optional) |
Items | List of invoice items. (required) | |
String | Software | External software generated this invoice. (required) |
Bool | NotifyCustomer | Email sent to customer. (optional) |
String | EmailTemplateId | Indicates which email template to use. (optional) |
String | InvoiceURL | URL for the invoice. (optional) |
String | TotalTaxAmount | Total amount of tax. (optional) |
String | InvoiceUniqueId | ID of the invoice. (optional) |
String | InvoiceDescription | Description of the invoice. (optional) |
BillingAddress | Billing Address. (optional) | |
ShippingAddress | Shipping Address. (optional) | |
String | InvoiceCustomerMessage | Invoice customer message. (required) |
String | InvoiceMemo | Invoice memo. (required) |
String | InvoiceShipDate | Invoice ship date. (required) |
String | InvoiceShipVia | Invoice ship via. (required) |
String | InvoiceTermsId | Invoice terms ID. (required) |
String | InvoiceSalesRepId | Invoice sales rep ID. (required) |
Bool | InvoiceIsToBeEmailed | Invoice is to be emailed. (required) |
Bool | InvoiceIsToBePrinted | Invoice is to be printed. (required) |
String | InvoiceLastSyncDateTime | Date and time for the last sync of the invoice. (optional) |
String | DeliveryNumber | Delivery Number. (optional) |
String | TotalDiscountAmount | Total amount of the discount. (optional) |
String | TotalShippingAmount | Total amount of shipping. (optional) |
String | LocationId | Location ID. (optional) |
RemitToAddress | Remittance address. (optional) | |
String | PoDate | Purchase order date. (optional) |
String | OrderedBy | Ordered By. (optional) |
String | InvoiceClass | Invoice Class. (optional) |
String | InvoiceFOB | *Invoice Freight on Board (FOB). (optional) |
String | InvoiceTermsDescription | Terms of the invoices described. (optional) |
InvoiceCustomFields | Search filters. (optional) |
EBizSOAP.Invoice invoice= new EBizSOAP.Invoice();
EBizSOAP.Item[] Lineitems = new EBizSOAP.Item[1];
EBizSOAP.Item item = new EBizSOAP.Item();
item.Name = "CBS101100";
item.Qty = 1;
item.UnitPrice = 2000;
item.Sku = "c12356";
item.Active = true;
Lineitems[0] = item;
invoice.InvoiceNumber = "001025";
invoice.InvoiceDate = "06/12/2015";
invoice.CustomerId = "1245678";
invoice.InvoiceDueDate = "08/12/2015";
invoice.InvoiceAmount = 2000;
invoice.Items = Lineitems;
Updated 19 days ago