
Search previously settled batches.


This method is used to search batches that are already settled. This method allows the following fields to be used in the search:
Sequence - Platform reference number. Opened - Date batch was opened. Closed - Date batch was closed.
Use as many or as few search terms as you like. With matchAll set to “true,” all terms must match to return a result. If the search does not yield the desired result, try broadening your search by eliminating terms, or change matchAll to “false.”


BatchSearchResult SearchBatches( SecurityToken securityToken, SearchFilter [] filters, bool matchAll, bool countOnly, string start, string limit, string sort)


SecurityTokensecurityTokenMerchant security token: used to identify merchant and validate transaction. (required)
SearchFilter []filtersArray of search parameters. (required)
booleanmatchAllIf set to “true,” only results matching all search criteria will be returned, if set to “false,” results matching any of the search criteria will be returned. (required)
boolcountOnlyif set to "true", only transaction counts will be returned. (required)
integerstartRecord number to start returning from (ie if 1,000 were found and you only want to receive the last 200 you would set Start=800 and Limit=200). (required)
integerlimitMax number of batches to return in result set. (required)
stringsortField name to sort the results by. (optional)

Return Value

BatchSearchResultReturns the result of the batch search based on the search parameters set.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ebiz="http://eBizCharge.ServiceModel.SOAP">


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
   <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <SearchBatchesResponse xmlns="http://eBizCharge.ServiceModel.SOAP">