This object contains all sales orders information, including sales order number, and sales order details.
Type | Name | Description |
String | MerchantId | Merchant ID. (required) |
String | CustomerId | Customer ID. (required) |
String | SubCustomerId | Sub-customer ID. |
String | SalesOrderNumber | Sales order number. (required) |
String | SalesOrderInternalId | Unique internal sales order ID assigned by EBizCharge. (required) |
String | Date | Date. (required) |
String | Currency | Currency. (required) |
String | Amount | Amount. (required) |
String | DueDate | Due date. (required) |
String | AmountDue | Amount due. (required) |
String | PoNum | Purchase order number. (required) |
String | DivisionId | Division ID. (optional) |
String | TypeId | Type ID. (optional) |
String | UploadedBy | Uploaded by. (optional) |
String | UpdatedBy | Updated by. (optional) |
String | DateUploaded | Date uploaded. (optional) |
String | DateUpdated | Date updated. (optional) |
Boolean | IsDelete | Delete? (required) |
String | DeletedBy | Deleted by. (optional) |
String | DateDeleted | Date deleted. (optional) |
Items | List of Sales Order items. | |
String | Software | Software ID. (optional) |
Bool | NotifyCustomer | Notify the customer. (optional) |
String | EmailTemplateID | Email template no. (optional) |
String | URL | URL link. (optional) |
Decimal | TotalTaxAmount | Total Tax Amount. (optional) |
String | UniqueId | Unique ID. (optional) |
String | Description | Description. (optional) |
BillingAddress | Billing Address | |
ShippingAddress | Shipping Address | |
String | CustomerMessage | Customer Message. (optional) |
String | Memo | Memo. (optional) |
String | ShipDate | Shipping Date. (optional) |
String | ShipVia | Ship Via. (optional) |
String | SalesRepId | Sales Representative ID. (optional) |
String | TermsId | Terms ID. (optional) |
Bool | IsToBeEmailed | Email to be sent. (optional) |
Bool | IsToBePrinted | To Be Printed. (optional) |
String | SalesOrderLastSyncDateTime | Last Sync Date and Time. (optional) |
SalesOrderCustomFields | Sales Order Custom Field. (optional) | |
String | LocationId | Location ID. (optional) |
Updated 19 days ago