
Contains transaction-specific data.


This object is used with several transaction methods and contains important transaction-specific data, such as invoice number, originating terminal, total amount of transaction, portions of total allotted for tip, tax and shipping, and currency code.


stringInvoiceTransaction invoice number. Will be truncated to 10 characters. If this field is not provided, the system will submit the RefNum in its place. (Required for Level 2 and 3).
stringPONumPurchase order number for commercial card transactions. 25 characters. (Required for Level 2 and 3).
stringOrderIDTransaction order ID. This field should be used to assign a unique order ID to the transaction. The order ID can support 64 characters. (Required for Level 2 and 3).
stringSessionIDOptional session ID used for customer analytics and fraud prevention. Must be generated using the getSession method. See the profiling guide for more information.
stringClerkSales clerk. Optional value indicating the clerk/person who processed the transaction (for reporting purposes).
stringTerminalTerminal name. Optional value indicating the terminal used to process the transaction (for reporting purposes).
stringTableRestaurant table number. Optional value indicating the restaurant table (for reporting purposes).
stringDescriptionTransaction description. (optional)
stringCommentsComments. Free-form text. (optional)
booleanAllowPartialAuthAllow a partial authorization if full amount is not available (defaults to False). (required)
doubleAmountTotal billing amount. (Subtotal + tax + tip + shipping - discount = amount). (required)
doubleTaxPortion of total amount that is tax. (Required for Level 2 and 3).
doubleTipPortion of total amount that is tip. (optional)
booleanNonTaxDetermines whether a transaction is non-taxable. (required)
doubleShippingPortion of total amount that is shipping charges. (Required for Level 2 and 3).
doubleShipFromZipZip code that the order is shipping from. (Required for Level 3).
doubleDiscountAmount of discount. (optional)
doubleDutyAmount of duty charged. (Required for Level 3).
doubleSubtotalThe amount of the transaction before tax, tip, shipping, and discount have been applied. (required)


eBizCharge.TransactionDetail details = new eBizCharge.TransactionDetail();
           details.Amount = 34.50;
           details.AmountSpecified = true;
           details.Description = "Example QuickSale";
           details.Invoice = "123456";